Our little slice of woodland is so beautifully overgrown at the moment I could not resist using it as a source of inspiration for something a bit different. Cow parsley and ferns dominate the wilderness, towering over even my partners head, walking off ahead I completely lose site of him in the thickness of white frothy clouds. The river is low as the weather is hot, still I hear the cooling sound of the water softly flow around the bends that surround our tiny forest. I stumble upon a flattened path, not made by man, that makes tracks through the bracken. I follow the squashed wild flowers to discover a nest of three perfect white eggs, I imagine they belong to a pheasant. Quickly I turn back, leaving them undisturbed going no closer. The wilderness in our garden provides so many creatures with a safe place to make their homes and care for their young, insects, birds and mammals.
I turn back, leaving them undisturbed and go no closer...
My recent drawing encapsulates the wild and free growth of our wilderness, the cow parsley in the foreground, almost concealing the main event. Soft tones of grey create a wondrous dreamlike scene, a huge bear looms into the clearing carrying something mysterious upon his back. The little figure lurks peacefully in the darkness, waiting to be brought forth into the light.